5 Key Stages of a NetSuite ERP Implementation

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A NetSuite ERP system seeks to improve the efficiency of a business by integrating all the functions of that business, such as financial management, manufacturing, sales and marketing, together. An ERP implementation is the planning, configuring and deployment of an ERP system, which often takes months due to the complexity of the task.

Due to this complexity, and to ensure a successful implementation, the organisation needs to carefully define its requirements, determine how the system needs to fit with the processes of the business, configure the ERP system accordingly and then test the system to ensure that it delivers the desired results and benefits.

As implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a complex undertaking that impacts every facet of your business, it is imperative to employ a carefully designed, tried and trusted implementation plan to ensure success.

What are the stages of an NetSuite ERP Implementation Plan?

At ERP Experts, we divide every NetSuite implementation into key stages, each with clear objectives and tasks, to ensure the smooth implementation of NetSuite into your business.

We call it the 5CTM implementation process, which is the result of our years of learning and experience in delivering successful ERP systems for businesses both large and small. It provides an organised and process driven approach to integrating NetSuite ERP into your organisation, ensuring best results, as well as time and cost savings.

1. Consultancy

All ERP projects start with a discovery and planning phase, which includes setting up a project team of stakeholders, developing a full understanding of your business model and processes, auditing the existing systems used throughout the company, and defining detailed system requirements.

This process provides us with a detailed understanding of the current issues facing the business, any process inefficiencies and the volume of integration and customisation work that will be required to integrate the ERP into the business.

2. Configuration

Once we understand your exact requirements and how much of a transformation the project will be for your organisation, we begin the configuration of the ERP system. This involves configuring the system to map your business model inside the ERP system that is the best fit for your business

During this stage our business analysts, business process engineers and software engineers work together to align the processes of the ERP system with the detailed map we have developed of your business processes. Once these two maps are brought together, any gaps in the alignment can be identified and can be covered with enhancements to the ERP system.

A major part of the configuration is the migration of your precious business data from older systems to the new ERP system. Our business and technical consultants have huge experience in data migration and understand the challenges involved in both moving – and validating – the data, reducing the risk of delays or data loss.

As the configuration process advances, we will activate key functionality of the ERP system and tailor how each departmental system works, fine tuning the system to match the individual business model.

3. Customisation

As no two organisations are alike, we will usually need to undertake development work to create new or extended functionality for your NetSuite ERP, customising the system to your exact needs and extending its capabilities in line with your unique business model.

Whether it is a small customisation or the development of a new module or extension, our consultants work with the client to understand the requirements, suggest best practice approaches and define the functionality of the extension. Once defined, the extension progresses to the development stage where it is coded and integrated into the system.

4. Coaching

Once the implementation and development work for your ERP system is completed and before the system goes live, we’ll design and run a coaching programme for your staff to enable them to effectively use, understand and exploit the power of your new ERP system.

Our coaches run role-based coaching sessions for different types of users either in a classroom-based environment or via a webinar, if more convenient for you. All our coaching sessions are bespoke designed for each specific client and their individual ERP system and can be run on a one-on-one basis or as a tutorial for several people. And where requested, we can provide video-based training materials or can record a webinar to accommodate learning at different individuals’ pace.

5. Care

Once launched, we support your new ERP system with our world class care programme, to make sure you get the most out of your investment.

We offer a range of aftercare programmes that will suit different businesses dependent on their business needs and growth plans. Once a project goes live, you’ll be assigned a support team who will work with you to design a development roadmap tailored to your individual requirements.

Whichever care programme you choose, you will benefit from the knowledge and experience we have amassed over 15 years of delivering ERP success.

Choosing the right NetSuite Implementation partner

We’ve established that implementing an ERP system is a complex task, so it’s imperative that your organisation approaches it accordingly and chooses the right implementation partner. When auditioning a suitable partner, you need to establish that they have the right credentials and experience to be able to deal with the challenges you’ll face. In our experience, many companies have been burned by a partner that simply installs the ERP system rather than implementing it for your business.

ERP Experts has been helping clients transform their businesses and manage change with the NetSuite ERP since 2005 and is an accredited NetSuite Solution Provider. We can support you through the process of implementing NetSuite into your business from initial consultancy to ongoing aftercare and support. Please contact us to start a conversation.


ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.