Dynamic Blend Adds Process Manufacturing Capabilities To NetSuite

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Process manufacturing can be one of the most challenging branches of manufacturing. Developing a finished product where the bulk material needs to meet varied quality, consistency, traceability and legislative requirements within the constraints of your process needs careful management in an ever-changing environment.

During the manufacturing process you must constantly juggle the availability and quality of raw materials from third-party suppliers, variances in the quality and costs of different materials or components and manage the allocation of raw materials from stock to reserve for your production run. All of these can impact on the formula or recipe you’ll need to ensure that you’re within product tolerances and to avoid potential waste.

Traditional solutions can help ease these challenges, but don’t offer all the answers. Whether you manage the manufacturing process with a third-party software solution or rely on your own, proprietary solution, there is usually a compromise involved with the transfer of data between it and your other back-office systems.

Surely it would be easier to use one, integrated system that has direct access to live data and can run both the process and discrete elements of the manufacturing process?

Integrate your entire manufacturing process with your back-office systems

Dynamic Blend for NetSuite integrates both process manufacturing and discrete manufacturing capabilities with your other back-office systems, using real-time data to manage the manufacturing requirements on-the-fly.

Dynamic Blend for NetSuite captures all the following information for each lot of every component or ingredient-

  • Quantity (across all allocation in all subsidiaries)
  • Quality/Potency
  • Price (actual receipted Price)
  • Availability

Armed with this data, Dynamic Blend for NetSuite will also provide you with your production capacity, production cost, and the tolerance of the finished product. On the fly, in real time.

Once this powerful tool is in place, you’ll soon realise that it allows you to ‘dry run’ your production process - running simulations before committing to live production runs.

You can also ask ‘what if?’ questions, without committing to any production time, raw materials or other costs. The ability to run simulations allows you to check a production run before commencing it – avoiding waste. You can even calculate the properties and quantities of the raw materials that you’ll need to meet a certain level of tolerance, improving your production capacity.

And because Dynamic Blend for NetSuite is an integral part of the NetSuite ERP system, all your data is based on real world figures, taken from across your whole organisation.

Dynamic Blend for NetSuite really is a game changer, as it will allow you to

  • Understand the cost of production of a finished product to the penny, before you make it
  • Understand your production capacity across the whole organisation completely
  • Ensure your manufacturing process is within tolerances before you commit to it
  • Unlock your process manufacturing capabilities

Add Dynamic Blend for NetSuite to your business

Dynamic Blend for NetSuite can be specified as part of any new NetSuite installation and can be added to any existing NetSuite system. Due to the complexity of the enhancement, it needs to be installed for your organisation, but because of its ease in use, requires very little training.

If you currently manage process manufacturing with divergent systems, then request a free, no-obligation demonstration of Dynamic Blend for NetSuite and discover the power of this application for yourself. Please contact us for more information or find out more on SuiteApp.com.

ERP Experts has been a NetSuite Solutions Provider since 2005 and gained NetSuite 3*** Solutions Provider status in 2017. We can support you through the integration and extension of the NetSuite ERP from initial consultancy to ongoing aftercare and support.


ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.