Liquidity Manager

Integrates fully automated cashflow forecasting and planning into NetSuite, providing financial data on a rolling forecast basis, making financial planning quicker and easier.

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Fully automated cashflow forecasting and planning 

Liquidity Manager provides fully automated cashflow forecasting and planning - starting with your available cash resources and the information held in your NetSuite accounting data.

Unlike the spreadsheet alternatives, Liquidity Manager is an integrated part of NetSuite. Much of the data needed for forecasting is already in your NetSuite system: including bank balances, sales orders, purchase orders, customer receipts and vendor payments. Liquidity Manager leverages that data so that you have an easy to use, efficient planning system.

Integrating Liquidity Manager into your NetSuite system is easy as the app has been developed utilising SuiteFlow, the workflow manager that's already embedded into NetSuite, making it easy for you to implement and customise.

Once set up and running, Liquidity Manager operates on a rolling forecast basis so that you only have to update existing information, and you never have to re-enter. You can roll forward every month-end, quarter-end or year-end at your discretion. Rolling forward sets a new start date to the calendar. The data stays the same.

With Liquidity Manager you can identify peak borrowing requirements, ease the capability to pay taxes and costs within due periods, provide accurate cash flow reports to banks, venture capitalists and other funding institutions and use budgeting with real-time comparisons.

Liquidity Manager

Liquidity Manager Features

Built on the NetSuite Cloud Platform

Utilising the standard NetSuite Financial and Advanced Transaction and Entity Management, all versions of Liquidity Manager are built within the high specifications required to work seamlessly on the NetSuite platform.

Single click entity integration

Just as every NetSuite implementation is uniquely tailored to the customer's individual needs, so the cost of implementation varies between organisations. To discuss your particular requirements.

Account codes

The system comes with a preset two-level Chart of Accounts that's easy to modify and is linked to the KPI reporting system for easy start-up, based on NetSuite general ledger codes.


Payment and collection reminders appear in the reminders portal when due or overdue. The system also reminds when bank reconciliations and period ends become overdue.

Transaction integration

Rapid record integration routines are included so that the bundle can be rapidly implemented. Based on the prior set up of Customer and Vendor Groupings each entity can be integrated with a single click.

KPI integration

NetSuite Key Performance Indicators are used to generate "real-time" dashboard views of Sales (customer group and sales channel), and profitability. Profit statements are subtotalled at Turnover, Gross Margin, Administrative Overhead, Operating Overhead and Financial Overhead to give cash-based Net Profit.

Part payments

Part payments of amounts due generate an outstanding amount reference that can be seen in the outstanding payments list attached to the forecast manager and in the reminders portal.

Forecast entry register

The register contains all the forecast transactions used in the system. It is simple to use and performs the future analysis in the same way as a general ledger entry is used to report historical performance.

Advanced banking details

NetSuite bank records are customised to hold more data and contact information. This includes predicted period end balances for the whole forecast period. These are fully reconciled with opening balances, payments out and receipts.

Automated bank entry integration

NetSuite Customer Receipts and Bill Payments are automatically posted as cleared forecast entries.

Critical dates

Users can enter up to three critical dates with reasons (such as next pay day, next rent day, next dividend day) and the balance at all banks is shown.

Extensive guidance and help

The system comes with online help, quick reference guides, and a comprehensive operating manual. The online help is field specific, form specific, transaction context specific and workflow process specific. There is also an online tutorial for those who like to self-teach.

Bank reconciliation

Banking sessions are used to match transactions already in the forecast to session-end bank statements. Statements can be balanced daily, or as frequently as users want. Routines exist to automatically write off closing differences.

List editing

Forecast Entry records can be updated from lists - by flow stream, by weekly and daily forecasts and during bank reconciliations. Changing the amounts or expected clearance dates is done in spreadsheet-like processing.

CSV integration

Enter previous years bank details for cash-based accounts and instant comparisons between periods.

Built for NetSuite

Liquidity Manager utilises the standard NetSuite financial and advanced transaction and entity management, and has been developed within the high specifications required to work seamlessly on the NetSuite platform.

ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.