NetSuite for E-Commerce

We develop unique e-commerce solutions for our clients, implementing and customising SuiteCommerce to create outstanding online sales experiences.

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With NetSuite, e-commerce means more than just online sales

E-commerce is no longer a marginal source of revenue for retail businesses. For some companies, it is the primary, if not only, sales channel. For others, it sits confidently on a par with bricks-and-mortar stores and telesales.

With its comprehensive end-to-end business management capabilities, NetSuite transforms e-commerce through ERP and CRM integration. From a standalone operation, e-commerce is tightly aligned with in-store PoS, merchandising, inventory, financials, customer service and marketing - a holistic, dynamic approach managed from a single platform.

As a cloud-based solution, Netsuite for e-commerce has the agility to meet the needs of the modern consumer. It allows customers to shop from anywhere, pay on the move, and receive their order in better-than-expected time thanks to smart order picking and fulfilment.


Benefits of NetSuite for E-commerce

SuiteCommerce not only provides a comprehensive omnichannel retail solution, but it is also highly flexible, scalable, easy to deploy and cost effective. From CRM to targeted marketing, mobile sales to integrated merchandising and inventory, NetSuite for e-commerce automates key processes at every stage of the sales funnels, all driven by rich and robust intelligence.

With sharing of data and integration of key processes across sales, service, and marketing, SuiteCommerce makes e-commerce an integral part of a bigger whole. It provides the insight for crafting more pleasing, personal customer experiences online, and improves efficiency by reducing duplication of work in merchandising, inventory, and product marketing across channels.

With the SiteCommerce Site Builder module, you also get all the technical assistance you need to create high performance, professional quality e-commerce sites that will impress your customers and help to increase your revenues.

Choose NetSuite for e-commerce

  • Rich, intuitive, immersive online shopping experiences optimised for desktop and mobile which encourage repeat visits and brand loyalty.
  • Consistency across all channels, sharing merchandising, promotions, inventory, and service between stores and online.
  • Better understanding of your customers, with data compiled from online and offline touchpoints to create in-depth profiles.
  • Streamlined automation between sales, service, and marketing, helping to personalise the customer experience with data-driven solutions.
  • In-depth real-time analytics to track sales performance and understand the impact of promotions, campaigns, upselling and service.
  • Improved service productivity with CRM intelligence boosting first-time resolutions.
  • Global inventory and fulfilment systems so no customer is ever told a product is out of stock if it is held elsewhere in the business.
  • Equal support for B2C and B2B sales models.
  • Simple sales and services management around the world with multinational, multicurrency capabilities.

ERP Experts is a NetSuite Solution Provider with over 15 years’ experience in specifying, implementing, developing and supporting NetSuite. In that time, we have implemented NetSuite’s ecommerce software, SuiteCommerce for dozens of companies, improving their retail operations across all channels.

We understand the principles and benefits of applying ERP methodology to e-commerce operations, creating a slick, streamlined, intelligence-driven approach from front to back. Our NetSuite accredited engineers develop a unique e-commerce solution for each client, implementing and customising the SuiteCommerce e-commerce platform to create an outstanding online sales experience.

ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.