NetSuite Development

Our experienced development team will tailor NetSuite to your exact needs, aligning it with your business process and extending its capabilities with appropriate modules and our own Certified Apps.

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Although NetSuite offers a wealth of functionality, there may be a unique aspect of your business which is not covered ‘out of the box’. When this scenario arises, we will need to undertake development work to create new or extended functionality for your NetSuite system, to customise it for your business.

We work closely with our clients to tailor the NetSuite solution to their unique business needs, whether it is a small customisation or the development of a new module or extension. Where a customisation is required, our consultants will work with you to understand your requirements, suggest best practice approaches, and define the functionality of the extension. Once defined, the extension progresses to development where our software engineers create it.

Our development process is built around software engineering best practice. We employ a team of business process engineers, software engineers and specialist developers who work together to specify, architect, and build new features and extensions for NetSuite.

We employ an agile development process that breaks down development tasks into a series of sprints undertaken by specialist teams to rapidly prototype, develop and test new functionality. Once development is completed, this new functionality is added to the software core.

Our detailed Quality Assurance and Customer Acceptance Testing processes ensure that any new components of NetSuite are properly integrated. Extensive testing in a sandbox environment ensure that components meet customer requirements, and once integrated, the core NetSuite system is thoroughly tested and hardened to be reliable, stable and robust.

Throughout the development process, you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands as we are an accredited member of the NetSuite SuiteCloud Developer Network, having already developed a number of apps for NetSuite.

NetSuite Development

A library of extensions for NetSuite

We have developed a whole library of apps and extensions for NetSuite, including Dynamic Blend, User Portal and PayNow, developed on the SuiteCloud platform. These apps extend and enhance the functionality of NetSuite and simply ‘plug-in’ without the need to be developed from scratch, providing significant development time and cost savings.

Our clients can benefit from new apps and extensions as we develop them, as they become available for them to add to their NetSuite system on an ad-hoc basis or for customer's that choose our Gold Aftercare support programme.

ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.