NetSuite Training

A NetSuite training programme designed to allow you to exploit the full functionality of NetSuite and developed to get your team rapidly up-to-speed.

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Core to any NetSuite implementation, training is essential to allow your staff to use, understand and exploit the power of your new NetSuite system. Providing the right training also greatly improves system adoption and acceptance of change.

Once the implementation and development of your NetSuite system is completed, we run a series of training sessions as part of our customer acceptance testing procedures. After all, it is only once you start really using a system that you discover its true capabilities.

Our training programme is run as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) where our coaches don't just show and tell, but involve your key staff to ensure they really understand NetSuite. We combine this with the creation of Champions who, once trained by us, can cascade their knowledge to other staff members, using the principles of a learning organisation.

Training is initially undertaken in what we call a ‘sandbox’ environment which exactly matches the live NetSuite system and data but is not connected to your ‘live’ business. This means that you get to learn to use the system and any mistakes have no real-world impacts.

Our coaches run role-based training sessions for different types of user, either in a classroom-based environment or via a webinar, if more convenient for you. All our training sessions are bespoke designed for each specific client and their individual NetSuite system and can be run on a one-on-one basis or as a tutorial for several people. And where requested, we can provide video-based training materials or can record a webinar to accommodate learning at different individuals’ pace.

Once launched, further training is always available to keep your staff up to date with new updates and features or for when onboarding new staff members. For clients who take our Silver of Gold Aftercare Support programmes, any future training that you require is included at no additional cost.

NetSuite Training

ERP Experts (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 10196491. Dalton House, Lakhpur Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0FX.